The sporting week was dominated by a huge block of 20 matches against Hurst on Wednesday, followed by Years 3 & 4 pupils playing developmental fixtures on Thursday.
The girls carried on their sterling work on the netball courts, with the seniors this time having more success than the juniors, the firsts enjoying a 15-9 win. The Colts A girls meanwhile were involved in a tournament at Westbourne, losing out narrowly despite playing some great netball. Well done to Colts E who won their match! The improvement has been fantastic and there were some amazing results. We are looking forward to the final netball fixtures and IAPS tournaments next week. After half term, we will be coming back to football.
Our Colts netball team had a great warm up for the IAPS tournament next week, A fantastic team effort from all nine players in the squad. Well done to all as well as great leadership from Captain Christina and Vice Poppy. We were very unlucky in our semi-final against Highfield, but won our 3rd/4th play off to place third overall out of eight teams. Congratulations girls!
Boys’ matches saw the start of the hockey season with a decidedly tough start to take on the might of Hurst hockey after only a few training sessions. All the team impressed with their ‘have-a-go’ attitude and determination to battle right to the end. The first VII had a thrilling 6-4 win on Campbell Field while the Colts A and Colts C enjoyed excellent wins by one goal in very close matches. The Colts D team showed their great potential in an exciting 1-1 draw.
Years 3 & 4 enjoyed an array of hockey and netball with plenty of promising skills on show on another lovely afternoon of sport under blue skies. The girls played some superb end ball play in the sports hall showing off their capabilities. Well done to our Year 4 girls who played their first ever seven-a-side match. The boys were smiling as they took to the field for their first hockey triangular of the season against Hurst and Handcross Park.
The sporting week concludes with a senior cross-country relay at Ardingly on Friday, senior sevens rugby at Yardley Court, netball v Cottesmore and some hockey training for our Years 5 & 6 boys.