
We had the privilege of hosting the Royal Naval Divers from Delta Diving Unit 2, based in Portsmouth. Led by Lieutenant Forster, they are part of the elite Diving & Threat Exploitation Group (DTXG). We brought them to school to talk about what they do, how they do it and why they do what they do?  They explained that they are trained to conduct several tasks that include disposing explosives of historic ordnance, defusing improvised explosive devices around the UK, clearing sea mines and combatting terrorists.  The divers can also carry out emergency underwater maintenance on warships and execute special operations – they are an elite team. What was also apparent in this presentation is how this line of work within the armed services is that of peace keeping and life saving.

The children were treated to a fantastic and fascinating Q&A session, plus the opportunity to interact with the diving kit, robotics and a drone.  As a school we are embedding the futures program, and this presentation is part of showing to the children the wider world and the opportunities out there for them. Small things we offer here at school such as completing the PADI diving course and extending swimming ability are starting points to a wider life experience and opportunities. So many of the children have spoken to me about their interests beyond the school gates based on this presentation, and it is exciting to know that opportunities such as this can make such a positive and long lasting impression on our young people.

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