Curious? We would love to show you our vibrant, happy and kind school.

Job Application

"*" indicates required fields

Personal Information

Including maiden name
If less than 5 years please provide all previous addresses for past 5 years.
Please list 5 years of address history and how long you lived at each address

Contact Information

General Information

Do you have Qualified Teacher Status?*
Do you hold a current UK driving licence?*

Academic and Vocational Qualifications

Please provide details of all academic and vocational qualifications*
Awarding Body
Date Obtained
Grade (if appropriate)

Professional Development

Long Courses (Attended during the last 3 years)*
Name of Course (and award if gained)
Ftime/Ptime or Seconded
Short Courses (Attended during the last 3 years)*
Name of Course
Ftime/Ptime or Seconded

Further Education and Career History

Please provide full details of all positions held and of all training/further education, employment, self-employment and unpaid work since leaving secondary education. Please start with your current or most recent employer and in each case the reason for leaving employment. Please provide explanations for any periods not in employment, further education or training.

Current Salary

Please indicate spine point
(Please indicate responsibility points, London Allowance etc)

Further Details

Please provide at least two professional referees. One referee should be your current or most recent employer. Please include their name, address, position, phone number and email address.

Data Protection

The information that you provide on this form will be used to process your application for employment. The personal information that you provide will be stored and used in a confidential manner to help with our recruitment process. More details as to how we will process your data is set out in the Recruitment Privacy Notice and Data Protection Policy. If you succeed in your application and take up employment with the School, the information will be used in the administration of your employment. We may check the information provided by you on this form with third parties.


As the job for which you are applying involves substantial opportunity for access to children, it is important that you provide us with accurate answers. You should be aware that the School will institute its own checks on successful applicants with the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS), and, where appropriate, a check of the Barred List maintained by the DBS, and any offer of appointment will be made conditional on obtaining such satisfactory checks I have not been disqualified from working with children, I am not prohibited from working with children, and I am not subject to any sanctions imposed by a regulatory body (e.g. the General Teaching Council for England, or the Teaching Regulation Agency). I declare that the information I have given in this Application Form is accurate and true. I understand that providing misleading or false information will disqualify me from appointment or if appointed, may result in my dismissal.

Personal Declaration*