Reception through to Year 8 pupils along with staff were alive with excitement as they teamed up with their houses to plan, execute and create their interpretation of ‘tribes’. The children were ACE learners, creators, and performers. It was wonderful to watch the children push the boundaries; they were physically active with their production of props, thinking critically to ensure that they were creating the best performances and exploring options available to them to ensure they made the right choices for their house.
Everyone participated throughout the day as well as being on stage for the final performances in front of their peers. The children (and staff) displayed an impressive confidence in the execution whether they spoke, sung, danced, flipped, played an instrument or displayed their creativity in other ways. Encouragement, kindness and a drive for everyone to be successful was evident throughout the day.
The six performances were varied and all had their individual styles and ‘take away’ moments as the theme ‘tribes’ was reflected in many different ways.
Raleigh Year 8s wrote their narrative and the blue lighting created a calm and controlled ambience. This contrasted with the opening and ending of the piece which was strong, determined and tribal, using the Haka to reinforce the traditional idea of a tribe.
Scott’s performance was memorable using the football team theme. The projection of children at different football stadiums using green screen technology, team banners created by the pupils, team songs and thoughtful narrative culminated in a wonderful rendition of our national football song but with England replaced by Scott – bringing all the football tribes together!
Drake’s performance was very powerful, highlighting that everyone has different talents and needs with an important message being made – although we are different, we have more similarities and should unite as one.
Grenfell’s performance had a positive feeling of inclusivity. ‘A tribe is a big family’ highlighted many different tribes with the children acting, dancing, playing instruments and using their wonderful props that were made throughout the day. The different ‘dance tribes’ all brought something different and special to the performance and the variety of music, technology and movement was impressive.
Hunt’s polished performance had a range of skills and devices. The use of individual instrumentalists, tap dancing and the overall message of the piece was effective. This coordinated piece reflects the word tribe and its different interpretations.
Bader sang, danced and used imaginative artwork. The energy on stage was reflected by the audience. There was an interesting interpretation of the idea of tribes using ‘Grease’ the musical to convey this.
It was a wonderful day and one that we will remember for a very long time. Most importantly all the children in the school were involved. The outcomes were excellent: mixed age groups working together in all areas of the school, creativity being seen in its best and widest sense, as well as the coming together of House ‘tribes’ for the final performances in our theatre. It was a unique and very special experience.