Drama is a thriving department at Windlesham with all children taking drama lessons weekly and no less than five major productions a year plus additional smaller scale performances. We are lucky to have a fully equipped theatre plus a brand new drama and dance studio.
Our productions range from rock musicals to Shakespeare and every child has the chance to perform“. (No auditions)
Our major productions are ambitious and we believe they are comparable with any youth performances nationwide.
Recent productions have included: Bugsy Malone,’ ‘Skellig’ and original bespoke work written especially for the children by myself.
In addition to acting, dancing and singing, there are also opportunities to learn stage management skills, lighting and sound operation, as well as costuming.
Many productions have enthusiastic and committed backstage team of pupils.
There are also extra drama activities, coaching sessions for potential scholars, theatre trips and the opportunity to take additional LAMDA classes.
Children are also encouraged to write, direct and perform their own work and other performance opportunities include assemblies, poetry festivals and showcases.
Academic drama, covering many styles and genres including: Commedia Dell’Arte, Melodrama, Realism, Epic theatre and Mask Work in our spacious studio, is both challenging and rewarding and explores important texts and key practitioners.
Children are encouraged to create original work to demonstrate their understanding of the style in question and are assessed regularly in a fair, consistent and non-pressured way.
Every year, Windlesham children gain drama scholarships to such schools as: Marlborough, Harrow, Oundle and Lancing.
Preparation for these scholarships includes theatre trips, portfolio creation and extra study sessions. Windlesham children have also gained places at the national youth music theatre and in theatrical agencies and have gone on to be professional actors in film, television and as part of the RSC.
A number of dance activities are also available including Ballet, Tap and Street Dance. The children are encouraged to choreograph their own pieces for our annual ‘Windlesham’s Got Talent’ event and also work towards performances of the pieces they have learnt in their classes.
Fiona Jenkins, Head of Drama