
This has been a very busy week in the DT department with children working on a range of projects. Many of these are nearly ready for the art and design exhibition in July. The Year 8 project is nearing the end and the standard of work on both the storage furniture and the Yinka Ilori inspired reimagining of chairs, is really high. It is a credit to the hard work the children have been putting in.

Year 6 have been busy with a range of coding projects including coding their microbit computers to play a variety of games, as well as recognition of King Charles III coronation, playing the tune of God Save the King.

In collaboration with textiles the children in Year 5 have been adding the finishing touches to their backpacks for next week’s survival night. Using laser image transfer to apply their names to their bags. We hope you will be able to see all the children’s amazing work in the exhibition in July, more details of which will follow in due course.

Year 4’s challenge has been to make a small model trebuchet from wood and card that will use the energy from elastic bands to fire a ping pong ball. Some careful measuring, cutting and sticking has led to several successful looking trebuchets being completed. All that is left to do now is to test them out and see how far they can propel their ammunition!